
Talking All Things Funko-Related With UkPopCollector

Today we sit down with Paul (aka @UkPopCollector on Instagram), one of our official Pop In A Box ambassadors and an avid Funko collector, to discuss his Funko collection, interests, and collecting background!

About Paul…

I am Paul (aka @UkPopCollector) from Widnes. I work for the NHS as an IT manager and I am the proud father to my four year old son Jacob (my geek in training).

I am a fan of all things 80’s and 90’s nostalgia, from classic horrors to cheesy comedies. A key highlight in my collection is my horror focus that contains Funko Pops, figures, props and statues. I am currently in the final stages of a house redevelopment that will eventually have a large dedicated room just for my collection.

When Did You Start Collecting Funko Pops?

I received my first Funko Pop! Vinyl (Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead) as a gift from my brother back in 2014. It wasn’t until getting my second Pop! almost a year later that I decide I wanted to purchase more. It has all spiraled from there ever since…

What Made You Get Into Collecting?

I have always had a collectors mentality. I would always look to complete sets of sticker albums and wanted every copy of the comics I would be reading. Despite a gap from my childhood until my thirties, I was instantly bitten by the Funko bug upon seeing just how many of my classic shows and characters I could own in pop form. 6-7 years on and I am a very much down the rabbit hole.

How Many Funko Pops Do You Own?

Due to currently undergoing a major home renovation I have lost count as my Funko Pops are all stored in a temporary space, but I think I am near to (or just past) 1000.

What’s Your Favourite Funko Pop! Vinyl Out Of Your Collection?

I have a few and whilst they are not specifically rare or expensive, they are my most precious because they remind me of my family. I have an Oscar (Smyths Toys) Peabody and Sprocket pops and I think of them as my son and two dogs. They are my family in pop form and take pride in my collection. I am still awaiting the perfect pop to represent my wife but she will join the “family” shelf soon.

What’s Your Favourite Film?

I would have to say Interstellar but there are so many amazing films that I appreciate.

What’s Your Favourite TV Show?

I am a huge fan of the Walking Dead, but The Boys is a very close second.

If You Could Have One Superpower, What Would It Be?

I would have to say time travel. Don’t get me wrong, the ability to pickup a few bitcoin for pennies is appealing, but being able to try and write wrongs before they happen would be the driving factor for me.

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Angus Scott

Angus Scott

Writer and expert

Angus is a content writer, SEO executive, and social media admin who is an avid film enthusiast and binge watches The Walking Dead, Peaky Blinders, and The Office.